Wilderness travel means you can, and for your comfort, should carry a lot less than when you travel in the regular world. Most experienced wilderness travelers will tell you that they bring about the same amount of stuff on a three day trip as they would on a three week trip.
Our clothing list is based on layering; dressing in several light layers rather than one heavy layer allows you more flexibility as the weather and exertion levels change. When shopping or packing, it is a good idea to try on all you clothes at once. Ideally you would be able to wear all your "layers" at once.
"The more you pack, the more you carry"
(The links below are shown in green, they are there as suggestions and are there for you to understand what type of gear is needed. It is in no way necessary to buy the specific product that is linked.)
- Tefillin
- Chitas
- Yalmakes x2
- Tzitzis x2
- Black casket and jacket (shabbos clothing)
- Bathing suit
- Toiletries (small bottles can come in handy) shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush and deodorant
leak proof bottles
- Towel -small to medium (synthetic)
synthetic towel
- Laundry bag
- Clothing - laundry is done on average once a week,
2 pairs of everyday clothes
2 pairs of backcountry clothes (extra socks recommended)
2 white shirts for Shabbos
- sleeping pad - Either foam pads or air pads (Keep in mind that air pads can pop.)
sleeping pad 1
sleeping pad 2
- Sleeping bag (30 deg.) - Synthetic is bulkier and heavier but works when wet.
- down (feather) keeps warmer and it is lighter.
sleeping bag 1
sleeping bag 2
sleeping bag 3
- Hiking Boots - Should be laced and meant for hiking.
hiking boot 1
hiking boot 2
hiking boot 3
- socks (wool or wool blend) - (Layer I)
wool sock 1
wool sock 2
- sweater (Layer III)
- pants (synthetic) (Layer II)
pants 1
pants 2
- Two Piece rain gear (top and bottom) - Frogg Toggs are inexpensive, and work,
but aren't the greatest quality.
If already own a light waterproof jacket and pants than that is the best. (Layer III)
frogg togg
windbreaker / rain jacket (can be used as a davening jacket)
rain pants
- gloves (Wool or synthetic)
synthetic gloves
- hat/beanie (wool or synthetic, should be lightweight)
wool beanie
synthetic beanie
- nalgene style bottle or camelbak style Hydration Reservoir
nalgene 1
nalgene 2
camelbak 3